“My Sister” marks a third social impact film from Wieden + Kennedy, following the tradition of our previous work: self-initiated, without initial funding, and unaffiliated with any brand.

This film is a response to the current global climate, addressing the struggles faced by women across the world — in Iran, Afghanistan, the United States, and beyond. It raises questions about their safety, education, and freedom of choice, reflecting the challenges they endure.

“My Sister” highlights the global mobilization of communities and reframes these efforts not as isolated protests, but as part of a unified, worldwide revolution. Our goal with this film is to express solidarity with those driving this movement, recognizing them as we do in Asian cultures: not as strangers, but as sisters.

This project was created out of passion, without the support of a traditional media buy.

Copywriter - Titania Tran
Art Director - Brad Trost
Producers - Mimi Munoz + Byron Oshiro
Post Producer - Chris Lam

Post - JOINT

Production - Superprime
Directed by Loren Denis